Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when you smile I check you out,
But you don't even know my name,
You're too busy playing games,

And I want you too know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?


I am a girl who don't know herself, aside from the fact that I am as stubborn as a mule (or perhaps even more stubborn...)

Are these even counted as wishes?
To get into a good college;
To stay with my friends next year, and for that, we have to get a house first;
To get a degree;
To become a cartoonist, at Walt Disney Studio, if they are still around and had not been 'eaten' by Pixar, though that is unlikely;
To get a proper laptop;
To have more time to do the things I want;
To get a scholarship;
Crap... these don't count as wishes, they are more like ambitions!



Juzblue. HL Milk. Nicolet. Scorpteen. Vonn. Girl. Evelyn. Emotera. Tian Ning.


July 2006 August 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 September 2007 November 2007 December 2007 July 2008 August 2009


Picture 1
Picture 2
Splatter Brushes
Lyrics of the song "Notice Me" by Zetta Bytes

Monday, August 21, 2006
11:32 PM

Ah well... what an excellent blogger I am, I actually couldn't gain access into my account for the last 10, 20 minutes. Hahahaha... imagine, a frustrated young girl glaring at the computer screen, hitting on the keyboard.

Oh well, it's in my nature to laugh at myself, or else, I might die of suffocation someday... Suffocated by my own feelings.

Lots had happened over this period of time. School stuff, exams, pranks... That is why this post is named a Jar of Thougts. *Points upwards*

I mentioned I wouldn't want my friends reading my blog, but still, I told a certain young little fishy about it. Though, I didn't give her the address, I told her she could jolly well go and look for it herself. Her reaction was highly amusing, she's wailing about the fact the there's hundreds and thousands of people who have the same username as us. Than I added another statement: I will give her my address only after we leave secondary school, because this blog is suppose to be where my dark side comes out, and I don't want my friends too close to me knowing about my dark side. Young little fishy's response was: than I must look for your blog. Ahh... whatever she wants to do with her free time...

Few days ago, two of my friends were talking about unjusts they encounter in school. I merely probe a little (I'm curious, see), and they said that it's quite pointless to tell me stuff like that, I'm quite indifferent. Am I? Maybe yes, maybe no. After all, I'm not use to letting my feelings show in front of my friends. If there's anyone I don't like, I will mark them. I don't have the energy to hate them nor talk nonsense behind there backs. But mark them I will. School nowadays doesn't seems as innocent as our parent's days. There is such things known as school politics, whereby however naive you are, you must know who to befriend, who to stay away, how to carry yourself and how to earn your place. It's pathetic... I don't know is it just because I'm too sensitive or I'm too guarded. I don't open up easily. I open up, but not completely. It's like a slightly ajar door with some light streaming through the opening. And I remember things, I remember who backstabbed me, who chucked me away, who is nice at times and not so nice at times. Is it a torture to remember so many things? I don't know. And I don't feel like discussing this orally with anyone. Writing and typing is the best, things come out in words, you fathom the writer's expressions through the lines he/she wrote. You don't know how the writer is feeling at the moment these words flow out. Maybe that's why my friend said I'm indifferent towards school issues, but if I were to write, I have tonnes of opinions.

Young little fishy is the best. She is untainted. I use to be like her, silent, occupied with my own things. But I feel lonely, so I started mixing with people. I'm considered rather normal in the eyes of others now. At least I'm not eerily quiet. But socialising, somehow or rather, made me have the feeling that I have lost myself. My very roots. Perhaps I'm easily influenced (which is not a good thing). Little fishy is silent, but she is stubborn, like a stone. I once asked her why don't she mix around, she merely stated that she's satisfied with her current state. How I envy her.

And that particular fishy, I'm constantly comparing myself to her. Because she is almost similar to my character in those days when I'm quiet. But after some time, I realised little fishy is still quite different from me. We may look like we have similar characters, but still we are different. As in what sense we are different, maybe I'll type it out some other day.

After the exams, me and a gang of friends went singing (karaoke). We initially booked one room and wrecked havoc down there. Piglet was laughing that wicked laugh of her at the microphone (Miehehehehe...) and she chose lots of songs sang by this chinese band called 183. And they are squealing at television (when 183's song was up) and shouting stuff like 'I luv 183' and 'Ming Dao's so cool'. *For further information, Ming Dao is one of the member of 183* And I'm giggling like hell because of their amusing antics. But later we were seperated into two rooms. Still, this didn't stop my friends from flshing their highly 'admirable' talent of making noise. Piglet was shouting 'SYX is a pig' and the other room was also shouting something. Me, on the other hand was going 'Ahh'. Another of my dear beloved friend was yelling at the microphone going: "viola1990 is a tortoise and CXT is a pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" At that point, I'm also going 'ahh...' After all, these are merely some harmless teasing.

And at the end of the day, the bill sum up to be something quite flashy as well... (expensive...-_- ) and I have to look for my lunch because that out-of-tune-but-very-amusing-singing session doesn't include lunch. Hahahahaha~

So, these are the things that happened over this period of time... I've no quotes nor wise words to sum up this post, but considering the fact that the percentage of any homo sapiens will read this blog is preety much next to zero, I'll just give this spectacular display of crap a not so very spectacular way of ending. Adioz!

Will you ever notice me...